Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Week Already?

The final Friday at Lightning Ridge was spent in virtual combat with the camera. Sculpture demands more than having facility with the tools and materials.. there's the recording.... well I lacked the intimate knowledge of the time lapse camera but I have learned a lot now! So here is my three weeks work compressed into less than six minutes. If the clip doesn't run in your browser you can open it in You Tube

 And if you think there was a lot of hand sanding - well you are right! At some point in the future I'll get the full day images together - the sunrise was amazing coming up between the stones.

Well it was farewell to Lightning Ridge and working in a T shirt in the winter and a quick visit to Canberra on the way home.
The Wide Brown Land Sculpture - being explored
Hawthorn bonsai at the National Arboretum

The Cedar Forest - the National Arboretum at sunset

Then home and back to work in the studio. With some welcome greetings from my wonderful family.

Charlie was happy to have me home too
Welcome home

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